

102 4.6
33 2021-04-27
pdf | 530KB | 7页
正文 简介
Time varying temperatures and pore-air velocities in two gravel embankments, horizontal and triangular gravel embankments, are studied using the “Rock-Block model” and the results are visualized in the form of isotherms and velocity vectors for different times of the year. Simulation results show that for both the two embankments there is a counter-clockwise rotation of pore-air extending throughout most of the embankment during winter months, whereas in summer the pore-air rotation changes to the opposite. The pore-air velocities in the triangle gravel embankment are somewhat higher than those obtained from the horizontal gravel embankment. The stronger convection in winter enhances the upward transport of heat out of the triangle gravel embankment, thus having more apparent cooling effect than the horizontal gravel embankment. During summer months, the pore-air velocities are nearly the same for both the two embankments. The results of the present study show that though the two gravel embankments have the effect of cooling the permafrost beneath, the temperature fields in the triangle gravel embankment are a little lower and more stable compared with those gotten from the horizontal gravel embankment, showing that the triangle gravel embankment has more apparent cooling effect than the horizontal one.
服务: 4.0
数据量: 4
人气: 216
擅长:土建 装饰 园林 电气


原价: 100 积分