德国科级果然发达 - 看人家的防洪挡板
发布者 : 汪栋 | 发布时间 : 2013-6-27 10:31| 查看数 : 1546| 评论数 : 7|
Anti-flood barrier in Grein, Austria
The small town of Grein, Austria, has been hit by incessant rain. To prevent
floods, the local government has set up metallic barriers. Fortunately, the
anti-flood barriers worked quite well
在奥地利小镇 Grein,多瑙河洪水爆发,不怕,德国人有神器。
这个防洪挡板在德国叫做 Spundwand。一般由 15cm厚的铝合金压制成
长 2m的口字型铝梁,为了保证坚